Welcome! The January 8th meeting will be at the Cheshire Senior Center!

Our next monthly meeting will be on Wed. January 8th at the Cheshire Senior Center starting at 7pm.

We will be viewing a webinar from the AOS presented by Ron McHatton, on Pests, Diseases, and Troubleshooting Problems- Module 5 of the Masters Gardener Series

Click here for more meeting information


Connecticut Orchid Society Mission Statement

logoThe Connecticut Orchid Society is an incorporated, non-profit association for the preservation and extension of knowledge concerning the conservation, ecology, science, cultivation, hybridization, appreciation and uses of orchids;  and to carry on such activities as may be necessary or desirable to effectuate such purposes.









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Join the Connecticut Orchid Society!

Membership is open to anyone interested in orchids and includes a monthly newsletter and meetings held alternately at Farmington Senior Center and Cheshire Senior Center September through June. Wonderful speakers from around the country (and world!) may also bring plants for sale , and we always have our raffle plants. There are opportunities to volunteer for many exciting orchid related activities, and COS sponsored field trips, clinics & shows.  JOIN US!  You’ll be glad you did.

Members join the society by payment of annual dues.  Membership may be individual, family or lifetime.

Send your name, address, phone #, email address and a check for the appropriate amount (see drop-down menu below) to:
Mary Rampone
COS Membership
53 Barbara lane
Woodbury, CT  06798
or…….COS now accepts PayPal for new memberships and renewals. Fill in information below and click “Buy Now”…it’s that easy!

Thank you for your support!


Membership Choices
Email Address & Phone
Name and Address

PayPal Acceptance Mark