COS Annual Holiday Party will be in Farmington

Our annual Holiday Party is coming up this month on Wed. December 13th 6:30pm at the Farmington Senior Center. If you haven’t signed up already or reached out to Mary please take a moment to look at the Holiday Flyer that went out. Once again, the club will be buying in entrees from a local restaurant and we ask that everyone bring either a side, salad, or desert. There will be a small fee of $15 per person to cover the cost of the food, and we ask that you please RSVP if you will be attending so we order enough food for everyone. Last year a very merry time was had by all so we hope to see you there!

The December meeting is also the time for annual elections. We will be voting on the following proposed officer slate; President: Christian Lesage & Mary Rampone, Vice President: Jason Chang, Treasurer: Suzanne Spinelli, Recording Secretary: Valerie DApice & Carla Koch, and Directors at Large: Rebecca Schwartz, Mike Wicki, and Karen Kuziel. There are also a number of appointed positions we would like to see filled if anyone is interested, most importantly we are still looking for someone to work with Suzy to learn the ropes as an Editor for the newsletter. If anyone is interested in designing and setting up our newsletter we are looking for someone creative and motivated to take the newsletter and run with it.