
June 9th Meeting Will be Virtual!

Starts at 7:00 pm.

The dial-in/log- in info is in your newsletter as usual 🙂

We have an awesome speaker for our May meeting:

Speaker: Fred Clarke

Topic:     Becoming 80th Percentile Growers


Hope to see you online!

May 12th Meeting will be Virtual!

Starts at 7:00 pm.

The dial-in/log- in info is in your newsletter as usual 🙂

We have an awesome speaker for our May meeting:

Speaker: Greg Griffis

Topic:      Terrific Terrestrials


Hope to see you online!

March 10th Meeting will be Virtual!

Starts at 7:00 pm.

Please consider stepping up to be president of our awesome society!  We will help you every step of the way, you won’t be tossed into the mix alone!

The dial in/log in info is in your newsletter as usual 🙂


Be there or be square!

February 10th Meeting will be Virtual!

Starts at 7:00 pm.

The info has arrived!

Be there or be square!

Speaker: Orchidphile

Carri Raven

Topic Demystifying New Zealand moss

Here is the scoop:

With so many orchids being sold these days potted in New Zealand Moss, many growers find it a major challenge to deal with as relates specifically to watering & potting.  Thanks to many years of visiting Taiwan, & the Taiwan growers’ generous sharing of information, I’ve come to appreciate its amazing benefits over bark or other mixes, something I would have never imagined many years ago when we all first started working with moss.  I’ve been surprised at how well it functions for almost all genera, from Phalaenopsis to those you wouldn’t suspect like Cattleyas, Oncidinae & Dendrobiums.

In this presentation, I’ll cover the important basics of growing successfully in moss, from the quality of the moss to potting, watering & fertilizing, ending with a great instructional video made by a friend in Taiwan demonstrating potting and mounting your orchids properly using this medium.


January 13th Meeting will be Virtual!

Hi All,

We have an exciting speaker participating in this meeting!

It will be Tony Silva presenting a walk around the greenhouse, with a question and answer session too!  Turn on your mics to participate in the discussion!

The meeting starts at 7:00 pm

Tony’s talk will begin at 7:30 pm

Hope you can join us!

November 11th Meeting will be Virtual!

Zoom meeting for November 11,2020

Presenter: Francisco Mirandia

Topic: The Genus Catasetum in Brazil

Time 7:00 connect thru the COS link provided in the news letter


Check out Francisco’s web site he is offering members a 10% discount

For free shipping purchase $50. So team up with a society member and have your order shipped to one address

Avoid shipping costs


Francisco Miranda

A taxonomist, naturalist and orchid grower, Francisco travels extensively in the U.S. and internationally speaking at orchid-related events and meetings. He has been doing this since 1988, while still living in Brazil. The subjects of these presentations reflect Francisco’s extensive travels to study orchids in their natural environments.