Join us for a talk by Kim Fedderson from Fair Orchids
‘A Look at Cymbidium’
Meeting Date: Wednesday, October 9th at the Farmington Senior Center. Doors open at 6:30pm for socializing and the meeting starts at 7pm.
Where: The Farmington Senior Center is located at: 321 New Britain Ave, Unionville, CT 06085
Event: Kim Fedderson: A Look at Cymbidium
Our upcoming October meeting will be a lecture by Kim Fedderson from Fair Orchids in Hillsborough, NJ with a talk on Cymbidiums.
From Kim “I was genetically imprinted on all things botanical in my father’s retail orchid & tropicals nursery. I elected not to go into the family business full time, but have always maintained my interest and a large collection of ‘this and that’. I have grown orchids since 1968, specializing in ‘slippers’ (primarily Paphiopedilum), with Paph fairrieanum my favorite species, smaller Vandaceous plants (see Neofinetia falcata ‘Maplewood’ at left) and a sprinkling of Cattleyas, Aussie Dendrobiums & Cymbidiums. I do a little breeding in several genera, so I often have a variety of extra plants, seedlings and occasionally flasks for sale”
His talk will be A Look at Cymbidium: An overview of the more important species, hybrid types, and cultural requirements. There will be plants for sale at the meeting and as we mentioned at the last meeting his speaker fee to the society will be reduced based on the amount of plant sales at the meeting, so if you have some extra space and are looking for something new consider not only supporting Kim, but the COS! I am certainly looking forward to this talk since cymbidiums are some of the easiest orchids to grow as a houseplant and are in my opinion under appreciated by the hobby as a whole. Some of the standard plants can take up a significant amount of real estate, but newer hybrids are on the smaller side. Looking forward to seeing everyone there at the meeting!
There will be a show table, so don’t forget to bring along your blooming plants for this month’s show table. It’s always exciting to see what’s coming into bloom, looking forward to an awesome show table!
Please print and fill out the ID card for the show table here